Strategic Enterprise Management

Are you looking for an integrated overview of all your business processes ranging from strategic planning to execution and performance management? And afterwards, for having a consolidated view of all business results from your affiliates? SAP® SEM is the answer!

Planning, budgeting, and forecasting — SAP® SEM helps you to model and simulate the various planning options and use preconfigured planning software to get a quick start on operational planning tasks – such as cost center planning and sales planning. The application supports traditional budgeting and rolling forecasts as well as collaborative planning.

Corporate performance management and scorecards: with SAP® SEM, you can develop KPIs or key performance indicators that support a number of popular scorecard methodologies, including balanced scorecard, economic value-added, and activity-based costing methods. You can link operational and strategic plans and develop scorecards and performance measures based on financial and nonfinancial data.

SAP® SEM lets you generate consolidated financial and managerial reports for a globally distributed business or entity according to local legal requirements. The application can aggregate financial data from SAP® and non-SAP® systems into a single analytical reporting environment, enabling you to monitor the financial performance of individual subunits on a worldwide basis. This helps you to be on top of deviations and allows you to directly respond to these challenges.

Furthermore, SAP® SEM helps you to identify, quantify, and analyze business risks within individual business units and manage risk-reducing activities.

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